You need to wait a little while!

Thanks for your interest in being U.G.L.Y.
We are finalising our events for 2014 and you'll be able to sign up soon! 

If you want to know more or want to tell us you're interested - you can!

NSW/ACT - Glen Mountfield on 0481 009 748

NT - Roxy Morton-Owen on 0416 117 839

VIC/TAS - Kat Polan 0481 009 754

QLD - Cass Creed on 07 3318 4453

SA/WA - Helen Walker on 0478 403 090

If you would like to become an U.G.L.Y. Sponsor or Partner contact Helen Walker on 0478 40 30 90 or

Cheers, The U.G.L.Y crew

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